Section 5331 of Act 112 covers parenting plans for custody. A parenting plan is a proposed custody arrangement.
Section 5331 does not require the use of parenting plans. But if the court orders a parenting plan, then Section 5331 lists the required elements of such a plan. Most importantly, a parenting plan is not admissible as evidence by the other party. So this section should have no effect upon a custody case. However, a good custody attorney understands that first impressions are important even if they are not supposed to be considered at trial.
Section 5331 requires parenting plans to include a regular physical custody schedule, child-care, transportation and other matters. Section 5331 also includes a sample parenting plan form to be used by the court.
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania does not require a parenting plan. However, the Generations Mediation program in Allegheny County serves much the same function.
Washington County, Pennsylvania, does require a parenting plan for contested custody cases.
Act 112: Section 5331 - Parenting Plan