Custody software: Our Family Wizard

Our Family Wizard ( is the most popular software program in the new field of custody software for families.

With the explosion of online bill paying and social networking, many people feel increasingly comfortable using online programs to coordinate and schedule their lives. Our Family Wizard is a privately created online program for sale to parents with custody arrangements.

The program has 5 major sections:

1. The Calendar: The calendar allows parties to coordinate kids' activities and school events, trade days and even outline the custody schedule. It also keeps a log of when entries are made into the calendar and viewed.

2. Message Boards: Essentially a private email account for parents to message one another. The board creates a record of when a message is sent and when it is read, creating a permanent record of communication between the parties.

3. Expense Log: The expense log tracks expenses with a date & time stamp and allows for online payments and detailed expense records. Also, parties can submit requests for reimbursement of costs or approval for expenditures for the kids.

4. Information Bank: This is a central location for storing the kids' important information (doctor info, medical records, activity info, child care providers etc.)

5. Parent Homepage: Provides an overview, detailing unread message, upcoming events, and outstanding expenses etc. The homepage also shows the last time the account was viewed (and by whom), eliminating false claims of "I never knew".

As of May 10, 2011, the price is $99 per parent, per year. Children can also set up their own restricted accounts (free) to keep track of matter and and third parties accounts (like for attorneys) can also be set up and also are free.

Many parents have used and appreciated the program, but it is not for everybody. It is still a relatively new program, with additions and improvements periodically. The program can be a good option, especially for "high conflict" parents looking for an option beyond litigation. Speak with your experienced custody attorney about whether this program is a good idea for you.
