A Divorce Is a Business Transaction
A marriage is a very personal and private matter. A divorce is always just a business transaction. The Court will view the divorce as a business transaction and the sooner you accept this the better off you will be. Key issues for the Court will include:
- Date of Separation
- Marital Assets
- Marital Debts
- Incomes
The Court does not care about what kind people the parties were during the marriage or are now that they are separated.
In Custody, the More Reasonable Party Often Wins
When in doubt, don't post!!
If you are really angry at your co-parent, don't vent to social media or via email/text. If you don't want the Court to see it, don't type it.
Many custody litigants have a litany of problems with their coparent. The Court is not impressed by he said/she said claims or righteous indignation. Many litigants are convinced (some correctly) that their co-parent is a narcissist, bi-polar, or has some other mental issue. The Court will not make such determinations. The Court sees angry parties all day, every day. One key to custody is to be, and appear, the more reasonable party. In other words, take the high road.
Custody litigation can only produce an Order of Court, which is a piece of paper. It cannot solve a personal rupture with a child. Do not win in Court at the expense of losing your child outside of Court.
The Truth Does NOT Matter
It really does not matter. Only what you can prove as true matters. You may know that your spouse is a narcissist or bipolar, or cruel, or untrustworthy. He said/she said will generally get your nowhere in Family Law. Just because you know that your spouse is not good for your children does not mean that the Court will know.
That is one reason why custody litigation can be so tricky. A good Family Law attorney will be able to craft a compelling narrative or story based upon the facts.
The Most Important Rules Are Unwritten
One common mistake we see is when a client tries to figure out how their divorce or custody situation will play out based upon Pennsylvania laws and rules. The most important rules are often unwritten and require years of experience to master. One example of an unwritten rule is the connection between a skewed distribution, an equitable distribution, and alimony. This connection is mostly absent from the written laws and rules but is a major element of how a case can get settled.
Contact Us
At Rosen Family Law Group, we have the experience and knowledge to assist you in all aspects of family law, including divorce, custody, support, and more. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you navigate the complexities of family law in Pennsylvania.